In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, we want to assure all of your clients that we, at Custom Training, are doing everything possible to ensure the safety and health of everyone.
Custom Training has always maintained a strict practice of using disinfecting wipes between client sessions to wipe down all equipment used and now we have enhanced our cleaning practices even further by wiping down more aggressively anything that was touched.
As instructed by the CDC, we are following the guidelines of maintaining the safe distance protocol and wearing protective gloves, for your safety as well as ours. And for the time being, fitness and pilates classes are not available, however, we are still available for one on one personal training should you want to come in and join us.
We ask that if you don’t feel well, stay home for the safety of everyone!
If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call us at (845) 235-4897.

Cadillac Reformer
Universal Multi Stations
Leg Press Machine
Hack Squat Machine
Recumbent Bike
Step Benches
Yoga Mats & Blocks
Pilates Reformer, Tower, Exo Chair, Barrel
Balance board
Massage Room
Barbells & Bumper Plates
2 Separate Weight Rooms
4 Separate Studios